There is only one ball
It is the soul of a boy and the heart of 180 million
Are Brazilians,
Men's northeast
Men of the South
They are men of South East
The Midwest and overseas ...
In the field of hope
And joy.
On the lawn of the fight
And the faith.
The ball is already more than a ball
It is the heart of a people
And the soul of a boy
Here, here and away ....
Ronaldo Nazario kicks
That crosses to the Phenomenon and the anguish becomes
In goal!
And his goal is a new poem!
But what is the goal?
Where did he come from? Where is the goal?
The goal is the incredible sound of the picture, he is the picture
He is the final scene of the theater
He is nicknamed the word and language does not spell out.
He is the pulse of the people,
He is a man of courage
He is the fantasy of Shout!
He is the soul of a poem made new toy that is manifested in the air!
Michael Jackson
Mythical muse
Mystic muse
From sunset to dawn
And everything you see
The ballet
The sound
the mirage of life
Michael is the artist of a thousand sounds and more
Following trails, danger and fear
From black and white
West Coast
In the chilly afternoon, June 25
Away from the hot beat
Michael is gone ...
To Sergio Vieira de Mello
I go in search of solidarity
To help Sergio Vieira de Mello
I'm looking for love
To comfort Vieira de Mello
I'm looking for a dream
To accommodate Vieira de Mello
I'm looking for a country
To receive Vieira de Mello
I will stop all arms
To animate the gestures of Vieira de Mello
I'll invite the bombers
To sit at the table and meet Vieira de Mello
For sure, they would change their plans
And they were men of peace
I'll write a song
To Sergio Vieira de Mello
And I go in search of these days gone by
For I must know better Vieira de Mello
And I need to learn from this man
And I want to defend what he stood
And I have to force myself patiently to understand that every people dreams of peace
And every people dreams of love
And all the people dreaming of solidarity
And people dream of the possibility to live without fear
My God! I gotta go back in search of friendship
For me to learn from Vieira de Mello
And I want to dream about how our children still dream ...
Christmas Poem
Because it's better this way:
That love is complete
That goodness is infinite
That the meetings are more beautiful
And when hearts unite ...
It is always better that way:
There is more solidarity
There is more tenderness
Vibrating guitars
And that mothers can only weep with joy ...
Everything is better this way:
With films that speak of love
With voices that transcend languages
With books that transform lives
And hugs insurmountable ...
The best day is like this:
When Christmas is all year round
And the mystery of dawn is the joy of what's coming
And when a man relies on knowing the prophecy that peace will happen.
I wanted to fly over the island with rain of hope
I wanted to embrace these yellow-skinned men
I wanted to comfort the people with love and melodies
I wanted to create all the technology to prevent disasters
I wanted immediate reconstruction of life
I wanted one thousand silences to remember the victims
And he wanted to unite the world in an embrace
And would the extinction of earthquakes
I wanted life, enjoyed peace and security
I wanted to look at children
I wanted to look for old
I wanted a look of sweetness and a hug from brother
I hope every man and woman in Japan!
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