terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011


1) Ballet Dancer / piano solo
Ask descriptive and philosophical movements in 03 open, Dancer was loosely inspired by the framework of an artist from São Paulo City : Geni Furlan. In the imagination of the composer, the dancer tired of prey immobility and the screen of a picture on the wall comes to life and desires themselves, run away and appears onstage as a free and timeless. And it fascinates crowds. But again she is tired now of applause. A dancer returns to the table looking for a momentary rest. But she is punished to eternally remain inanimate. With their different brightness. His mysterious movement.
Ballerina premiered in 1995 at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture Paulista.

2) GESTURES / piano solo
Written in 1995, the play does represent a free and modern in its 06 movements, gestures aesthetic / musical (sound) of tonality, atonality, minimalism, modalism, counterpoint and harmonic concepts.
I-Andante, almost impressionistic tonal
Movement-II suggests that brief allusion to the melody and counterpoint accompanied
Movement III-symbolic, a gesture between the subtle and the dense
IV-moving chords and melodies the way they are seen as chords
V-Mov.com characteristics of counter-melodies, in the form of interference
VI-Gesture tonal, traditional melody and transition to C major to C minor

Gestures was premiered at the VII Latin-American Composers, in Porto Alegre City  in 2001, with pianist Sandra Morh.

3) SONATA  II (Piano solo)
Sonata written on non-traditional technique uses the tone changed (developed by the author) and the piece suggests aspects of sonata form, while the rejects, either in theme or in the organization of each of the 04 movements, characteristic themes, development or musical proposals.
The 1st Movement is a miniature coral, 2 is a waltz, the 3rd is a movement fugato, where the strict form is only suggested. The 4th movement is essentially a sonata-allegro, theme duels without seeking the interaction between theme 1 and theme 2.
The tone changed seek a "rehearing tonal" with suggestions of RE #, MI #, # SUN, THERE IS # # and where we highlight features melodies and harmonies themselves, as the sound effect of the new tone.

( Comments of the composer Aldo Moraes )

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